Do You Want To Be Healed?

Do you ever look at your life and think… 

I’ve done everything I thought I was supposed to, and I’m not happy.

Sometimes I feel kind of empty. Sometimes overwhelming pain bubbles to the surface and I’m afraid of staying this way. Sometimes I wonder why I am struggling with this illness. I thought that Jesus healed people. Why hasn’t he healed me? I thought God would help me? But I can’t find Him or hear Him. 


I sought the LORD, and he answered me;

he delivered me from all my fears.

Those who look to him are radiant;

their faces are never covered with shame.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;

he saved him out of all his troubles.

Psalm 34:4-6

About RHR


Maybe you’ve wondered about some of these things because you believed, as a Christian, that life was supposed to be peaceful and easily productive if you were in God’s will. Let’s find out what stands in the way of peace, joy and greater health. 

It’s my absolute passion to help people find their way out of lies they’ve learned to believe about themselves, about God, and about the world. It’s my joy to help people take ahold of every facet of healing: emotionally, physically and spiritually.

 What people learn to believe becomes program that’s written with code and is always running in the background. That code prevents us from living the free, fulfilling lives we are meant to live. How we live, in bondage to those beliefs, leads to behavioral patterns that are either healthy or harmful. 

It’s time to discover and begin to operate in the truth. It’s time to learn how to stand up to the lies. It’s time to change and move toward freedom: emotionally, physically and spiritually.

It’s time to reclaim every aspect of the territory of your life and make it a fruitful and joyful place to live.

A place of Radiant Health!

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